7 Replies to “MaemoCJK Chinese support version 0.3.3 released!”

  1. I saw the announcement that you are in chagre of the Maemo CJK Chinese Language development. Congratulation on your new post. I am very excited about you joining the development team. You are very capable. The Chinese community certainly will benefit from your skill and contribution. Looking forward to the next release of Chinese language input in Nokia 770/800.

  2. 请问在N800中安装maemo的中文支持,运行SCIM后,发现不知道怎么输入方括号和花括号了……应该怎么输入呢?

  3. I have flashed my 770 with OS2007 hacker edition. Afther I installed CJK support for 800, I can't find the other Chinese input except chewing and raw code. Should I install CJK support for 770, or reinstall the one for 800? Thanks.

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