Input Chinese on Nokia 770 with SCIM

I've ported SCIM to N770. It's a just work version, many things need to be improved.

Click the icon below to install. UPDATE(2007-04-06):
install scim-pinyin
Strong recommend to install firefly font (ttf-arphic-newsung)
install ttf-arphic-newsung

Once installed, the default VKB will be replaced by matchbox-keyboard. Hit Ctrl+space to invoke SCIM.
Some screenshots: 1 2 3 4

74 Replies to “Input Chinese on Nokia 770 with SCIM”

  1. good work. i have been waiting this for a very long time. it comes to be true now.

    it can not be installed on my n800. would you please make a n800 port for release.

    btw. it will be better to reserve the original vkb and thumb pad ime when not using matchbox virtual keyboard if possible.

    thanks and best regards.

  2. I second ah.sima's request above: please port this little thing to the N800 and we're going to be happy! Also it would be good to be able to switch between the original VKB/thumbpad when I want to use it. Word completion for English is useful to some extent. Keep up the good work!

  3. Thanks for your support! I will keep working on SCIM porting. I need your help also, since I don't want to be alone. :)

    Stay tuned!

  4. 期待可以在N800上面使用,多谢。

  5. we all are glad to test your n800 porting release.

    i have a 770 and n800, it may help. (my 770 has touch panel problem)

    (btw, i have installed vmplayer + ubuntu with maemo bora developing support (scrachbox, xephyr, etc). but i do not know how to make my hand wet in it. can you write a quick guide about from downloading code, compiling and testing code, making deb and related :P i can join if i can make our dev enviroment work. )

    your work are highly appreciated.

    keep on making this useful and interesting thing happen. we all support you. you are not alone.

  6. some suggestion:

    1. split chinese font from this ime package to make it compact, it will save much time in downloading/updating/installation/?developing.
    2. use a separate font package to make user can use firefly or other font packages.
    3. a quick method to switch between vkb and original ime/thumbpad.

  7. Excellent work. I installed it in my Nokia 770. It works the first time. I like it very much.

    I ran into some problems:
    1. Some symbols did not display correctly in imath.
    2. Some symbols did not display correctly in idate
    3. can not find =, \, ), ], ~ symbols
    4. SCIM Input Method Setup created in Extra menu did not work

    Is it possible to switch back to Maemo default keyboard easily?

    Menu bar in Note can not display full list of fonts, such as Chinese font is missing.

  8. I found the symbols =, ), , -, by moving the menu away from the keyboard. Thanks. I tried input chinese in Gaim, Opera Browser, Gnumeric. It all worked. The more I use it the more I like it. I am new to use chinese input. Could you tell me where to find the instructions of how to input chinese with different input methods? Thanks

  9. Hi, guys, thanks very much for your great suggestions.

    to ah.sima:
    I'm merging SCIM to Maemo CJK Support Project. After that, you can check out the code and play with it easily.

    to hower:
    > Could you tell me where to find the instructions of how to input chinese with different input methods?
    Do you mean something like this( and this( ?

  10. There is a gap between the both sides of the keyboard and the screen border. Is it possible to enlarge the key board to fill up the screen? If you can enlarge the keyboard, it will make the keyboard operable by finger tapping.


  11. My Chinese input stop working. I unistalled it. And I tried to click the above install button to installed it again. The message I got was mssing scim pinyin >= Could please check why and where to grt it. Thanks.



  12. I had the same problem. I unistalled all SCIM related packakes.
    When I reinstall it, it gave me message mssing scim pinyin >=


  13. Thanks Artum and hower! The scim-pinyin deb package is missing, probably deleted by accident. I'll upload it to repository tonight(GMT +8)

  14. 我现在就是因为用770访问下载起来太慢了(可能是我用的网络的问题,我用的不是中国电信的ADSL),所以才直接下载后进行安装的,那我能不能保持目录位置,直接下载文件后安装啊?要是不行,告诉我一下安装顺序啦,谢啦!

  15. to ktool:

    to Artum:
    输入符号先按"shift",这个键盘的用法跟实际的键盘一样。 :)

  16. Thank you very much for building the deb package to install SCIM in Nokia 770. I just installed it. It works great.

  17. 难道是人品问题吗?怎么我按顺序装都装不了中文输入的啊!!!
    提示说“Unable to install Incompatible package”。

  18. log 里的信息2:
    W: Couldn't stat source package list mistral/user Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/maemo.guoyong.org_dists_mistral_user_binary-armel_Packages) - stat (2 No such file or directory)
    W: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems
    /usr/bin/dpkg-deb -f '/media/mmc1/music/scim-pinyin_0.5.91-0maemo1_armel.deb'
    Package must have "Section: user/FOO" to be considered compatible.

  19. to Artum,
    I don't mean Maemo CJK Project, I mean this article.
    I thought you install the project of this article on N800...

  20. 重新下载后,pinyin包已经可以安装,但装完后,在notes和桌面的google搜索栏中qwerty键盘不会起动,不能进行输入(我以经重启过机)。
    还有就是在scim input method setup 中的显示有错位和按钮有重叠。

  21. 其他程序可以输入吗?

    我刚在我的770上试过,可以在Notes和桌面的Google搜索里(Internet Search Applet)输入文字。

  22. 刚刚试了一下,在所有进行输入的地方键盘都不能显示出来。

  23. 现在就是候选字框的位置有时候定位不好,比如能否判断一下位置,不要挡住VKB,或者不要超出屏幕。

  24. ktool:试一下吧。先卸载已安装的包,重启770,试试在浏览器里访问本页点击install来安装(不会比手工下载慢多少),安装完成后再重启770.


  25. to wolfg:
    2.scim-modules-socket,scim-gtk2-immodule,libscim8c2a也需要在maemo sdk中重新打包吗?(我没找到他们的源包)?看了你与cjk小组的讨论,好象要在scim-gtk2-immodule里面增加与vkb的联系?
    3.scim 和scim-pinyin针对N770,需要在哪几个地方修改代码?因为编程能力有限,都是直接将源包编译打成deb包,结果出来的deb包安装到N770上大的吓人,可能要10M左右.

  26. 1. 我没有对libfakekey和matchbox-keyboard做任何改动,都是从MaemoCJK的svn中checkout出来的。
    2. 是的,我做的改动都在scim-gtk2-immodule包里。
    3. 我是从ubuntu提供的scim,scim-pinyin源码包开始工作的。我正在尝试将panel加到VKB的窗口上。与原来的VKB切换暂时没有好办法。

  27. I just click the button to install the ttf font for nokia 770 (updated 4/6/2007). It did not work. The message I got was not found.

  28. It deleted the original repository and reinstalled it again The message I got was " unable to install. Installation file corrupted"

  29. to wolfg:
    安装scim以后gtk.immodule里面没有hildon IM了,但实际hildon-im-module.so还在,只是没有写在配置文件gtk.immodule里面.
    所以是不是可以用程序修改gtk.immodule内容,增加或者删除hildon IM的字段来达到切换的目的.好象每种输入法后面如果有"*"表示系统使用该输入法.

  30. 修改gtk.immodule(实际上有gtk-query-immodule-2.0这个命令)可以做到切换输入法,但似乎需要重启系统(重启X?)

  31. 我今天到朋友那里用无线上网安装中文输入法,装完后可以正常显示键盘和进行输入中文。

  32. 忘了说了,怎么下载安装包装的中文字体,在用FBReader看书时它的标题还是英文的啊?我在朋友那想顺便直接上网装中文字体的时候,下载完了却说文件损坏,不能安装,请检查。

  33. 安装ttf-arphic-newsung时,770说"Unable to install. Installation file corrupted." 不知什么原因? 我用的软件版本是SU-18_2006SE_3.2006.49-2_PR_F5_MR0_ARM。谢谢。

  34. Yes, I click the "install" on that page.

    Here is the info from the Application Manager Log:

    osso-application-installer 4.22.1, UI version 1
    Installing maemo-chinese-support-770 0.3.3
    Failed to fetch mismatch
    Installing maemo-chinese-support-770 0.3.3
    Failed to fetch mismatch

  35. Successfully installed this time. But I still have a couple of questions:

    1) The keyboard has been changed. But I can't find an option for keying Chinese characters. There is only an option for 'raw code' under 'other'. How do I turn on Chinese input?

    2) When I browse a Chinese page, I can see all the Chinese characters in the page, but not in the title bar. How do I solve this?


  36. Title bar works ok now. Thanks.

    I do have scim-pinyin installed. In SCIM setup, I can see 'Chinese (simplified)' and '智能拼音'. I tried to check either one of them. But no matter which one I checked, I can only get 'other - raw code' at the keyboard input. Hope you have a solution for this.

  37. 借问一下,除了SCIM之外还有没有别的输入法啊?这个输入法实在是太耗资源了。 我装完这个输入法,速度马上降了70%,然后就是很多特殊符号都找不到怎么输入了,非常不方便。

  38. Recently , I have also been porting a program to N800.I have made the program work in the scratchbox in debian linux.But I ran into some problems when I parted the program into N800 device.It says the debian package is "unable to install. Incompatible package".Have you ever encountered this problem?
    I need you help.You can contact me by email
    thank you.

  39. 我的770,安装scim-拼音正常,但是却无法弹出中文.

  40. Hi, Wolfg,

    Many thanks for your excellent work on SCIM on n800. the virtual keyboard is just like normal key board but with these keys missing:

    1. [ ] { }
    2. DEL Insert Home End PageUp/Down
    3. Function Keys F1-F12

    Is there any way to input at least [ ] { } ? without them, it's impossible to write any script or C code. Thanks again.

  41. Hi there,

    As a new feature of the next release of MaemoCJK, you can switch to the original VKB at runtime. So you can write your code with it. But for the function keys F1-F12, is there any need for them?

  42. HI

    我Click the icon below to install. UPDATE(2007-04-06)


  43. I have failed many times on installing this .

    I want to know how I can get the deb file.

    Can you please sent the deb file to me by the e-mail?

    My e-mail is ,thank you very much.

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